In 4Seller, Products under "Active" in Amazon,TikTok,Temu,eBay,Woocommerce,ETSY,Shopify Store can be sync to Shopify store through "Import to Shop" and "Copy by shop"!Take the "Active" section in Amazon store as an example:
Go to Listing tab, click "Migrate from Amazon" to achieve importing listings from Amazon to Shopify Store.
Method One : Import to shop
1. Click "Acive" button, you will see the list of products to be moved.
2.Check the blank grid to select the items you want to move.
3.Click "Import to shops" button in the action bar or "Import to shops" in the action column of the list.
4. Check the store you want to move, and you can customize whether to synchorize the sku mapping relations in the original store.
5. Click whether to open the brand and warehouse set up button.
6. Click the "Import" button.
Note: After the green bar is loaded, it means the move is successful.
7.Click " Next " to view the products that have been moved, and the corresponding drafts have been generated in the Shopify draft list.
8. Click "edit" In the action column of the list, you can match the product category and variant attributes of the moved goods(the information such as variant and picture will be brought in automatically). After matching, you will enter the editing page to add other unfilled fields.
9. Add or delete the products info you want to change under" Product Info", "Photo", "Description", "Pricing", "Stock", "Shipping" and "Product organization",etc.
Note: Required fields are marked with a red asterisk.
10. Click "Save & Publish" to publish to Shopify store and complete the update.
Method Two : Copy by Shop
1.Click "Copy by Shop" button.
2. in the "Copy from" column, select the commodities that need to be moved in bulk according to the three types of "Active", "Inactive"and "Remove".
3. In the "Copy to" column, select the target store platform and store name, choose "copy" or "skip" to decide whether to skip the product (including deleted product in this shop) which has already been copied to the target shop or not.
4. Click"Import "button, when the green bar is loaded, all successfully migrated to Shopify store, you can clcik "Next" to enter the Shopify draft page.
5. After editing, you can publish the listings to Shopify store and check in "Published" section.