① 在 https://registration.shippingapis.com/ 注册 USPS 帐户
② 注册后,您将在您的电子邮件中收到以下信息(https://www.usps.com/postalone/evs.htm.):
For Company: xxx
Your Username is xxxx
Your Password is xxxxx
Among them, Username is the information required for ERP logistics connection.
③ 联系 USPS 进行账户验证
(1) 按照以下模板的形式发送电子邮件
Subject: Web Tools API Access
Text body:
We would like to use the USPS API to create tags and request the following permissions:
eVS Domestic Labels
Scan Form
USPS Returns Labels
(2) 收到USPS官方发来的请求回执邮件
(4)在红框中填写“API Key”和“API Secret”