Note: 1.In 4seller, you can enter the authorized Woocommerce Store page through two Entrances:
Entrance 1: On the Home page, if you are a new user, you can set up your Sales Channel in the 4Seller Setup Wizard on the homepage, and click the More icon to enter the store authorization page.
Entrance 2: On the Shop Manage page, no matter whether you have authorized the store before, you can authorize the store here. Click Shop Manage in Settings, and then click the Woocommerce Store icon to enter the store authorization page.
2. In 4Seller, there are two ways to authorized Woocommece Store to 4Seller
Method One: Authorized Woocommerce through Woocommerce OAuth 2.0 (If authorized failed, pls try the method two through REST API)
Step 1:【Log in Woocommerce—Status—System Status—Site Address URL】
Step 2: Click Woocommerce icon, Select OAuth 2.0 to finish the authorization
Method Two: Authorized Woocommerce through Woocommerce REST API
Step 1:【Log in Woocommerce—Status—System Status—Site Address URL】
Step 2:【Woocommerce Platform—Setting—Advanced—Add Key—Generate Consumer Key and Consumer Secret】
Step 3: Click Woocommerce Store Icon in 4Seller, Select REST API to finish the authorization
After authorizing successfully, you can check the store in shop manage--My shops
After authorizing, you could manage store products, process orders, push the inventory, check data analysis and more.If you need any help, please contact our support team.